martial arts

February 2, 2015

Train for Escape from a Car-Jacking with Martial Arts

While crime rates have continued to decline across the country over the last decade, particularly when it comes to homicide, assault and…

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Martial Arts Confidence Keeps Children Secure

There is absolutely no doubt that confidence can go a long way in providing a sense of – and a posture of…

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Krav Maga is Modern, Close Quarters Self-Defense

Krav Maga is roughly translated from Hebrew to mean “close quarter fighting.” It is a highly effective martial art that utilizes a…

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Increase the Quality and Results of Your Physical Fitness Routine

A professionally-taught Karate program can yield better specific and overall results from your personal investment (time, effort, and money) in a supervised…

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A Humble, Determined Martial Arts Attitude Spurs Growth

People gravitate to the Martial Arts for a number of different reasons. Some are obvious, like physical fitness and learning how to…

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How Martial Arts Training Teaches Respect

Many modern, high quality schools in the area offer provide Martial Arts training with a range of programs and options for adults…

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Too Tired to Exercise? Get Self-Sustaining Energy from Martial Arts!

Are you making excuses to avoid exercise and say you feel too tired to work out any more? You know it is…

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Engaging In Martial Arts To Combat Childhood Obesity

With childhood obesity having become a national epidemic in recent decades, more and more parents are discovering that Martial Arts can be…

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January 28, 2015

Be Neither Target Nor Victim

Every individual, at some point in his or her life, has been victimized, exploited, or abused in some form or another. Whether…

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No More Boring Workouts

Tom starts his journey super-motivated. He follows his new workout routine religiously. He arrives at the gym at 5pm every day. He…

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