Self Defense Tip #2
Eye contact or the lack of it, what does that say about you? Self Defense depends alot on what you convey in your body language and eye contact.

I teach all my students and young people I come into contact with over the years to look people in the eye. When you shake hands or talk with someone, looking them in the eye allows them to gauge your measure and it is a time that you can truly communicate what you are feeling. Scientists say that over 70 percent of communication is non verbal, some people even believe it is higher, even up to 90 percent on occasion!
Don’t Be ‘Seen’ As A Victim
Avoiding eye contact is a sure way of ‘flagging’ yourself as a victim. It can also portray that you are less than honest. One of the first things we learn to interpret as children are facial expressions. We learn to understand emotions and the state of mind of a person just by the set of the 43 muscles in the face. With that being said, predators usually are not rocket scientists. Some are even unbalanced. Something they do very well though is picking out a victim. Above all, make eye contact briefly to show that you acknowledge someone’s presence but are not intimidated by them. Look for a count of one. A longer look might appear overly aggressive.
Self Defense Enhanced By Image
Firstly, you should swing your arms as you walk (Do not be burdened with possible ‘loot’ for the predator). Secondly, scan as you walk. Look for threats and identify individuals that are taking an interest in you. A great article that uses this tip and others is Self Sufficiency & Your Role. Let your body language and eye contact convey that you are a strong, confident and capable person. Remember that the predator usually does not have a plan ‘B’, therefore they will just move on to an alternate target. ATA Leadership Martial Arts and Krav Maga teaches these techniques and others. Come in and ask about how we can help you with your goals for safety and peace of mind.
Confidence to a predator is like bug spray to a pest, it repels. Stay safe!
Michael Brown is a eighth degree black belt and a Chief Master Instructor of Taekwondo. He has been serving his communities as a certified instructor of Krav Maga for over 20 years. He is a two time world champion in sparring and a former Captain in the United States Marine Corps. As a big supporter of the 2nd Amendment and a firearm safety expert, Mr. Brown trains individuals in consealed and carry techniques. Michael Brown has been working with families and training people in self defense in North Carolina for over 35 years. He and his wife, Kimberly Brown love working with military personnel, law enforcement and civilians to become combat ready and helping them develop skills that will enable them to be the ‘First Responders’ for their families.