MA Self Defense

January 29, 2022

Active Shooter Training

What Is An Active Shooter? The FBI defines an active shooter as “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill…

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April 6, 2015

Women Self Defense Tips

ATA Leadership Martial Arts It is my hope that the information shared here will help you as you develop your own skills…

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Campus Safety Tips

Campus Safety- Is a real concern. Many predators target a school campus because they know that many students are unprepared to avoid…

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February 2, 2015

Train for Escape from a Car-Jacking with Martial Arts

While crime rates have continued to decline across the country over the last decade, particularly when it comes to homicide, assault and…

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Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Techniques

Individuals take martial arts training for a multitude of reasons. Some do it simply to get physically fit. Others prefer it as…

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Martial Arts Confidence Keeps Children Secure

There is absolutely no doubt that confidence can go a long way in providing a sense of – and a posture of…

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Growing in Fitness for Self-Defense

Before you can understand how martial arts and combat training can help improve your fitness and health, it is important to understand…

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