Blog Martial Arts

Healthy Activity for the Summer – Karate For Kids Pt.1


Summer vacations mean retreat, recluse, and relaxation. Of course, for children it is fun time. Like most parents, you also must be worried about how to keep your child engaged during the summer vacations. While there could be a variety of options available at your discretion, you should go for something that is constructive and one that promotes your child’s mental and physical health.

Consider karate classes

Karate is a form of Japanese martial art. It involves a lot of punching, kicking, striking, and blocking techniques. It also involves self-defense techniques. A competent karate instructor teaches these moves and techniques.

If you are concerned about the full-fledged development of your child, you can get him or her registered for martial arts, karate classes. During the summer vacation, your child will grow stronger-physically as well as mentally. It will be a fun filled, developmental program for your child.

What your child learns at a karate session?

A karate session begins with bowing to the karate instructor followed by a warm up session. After this, your child will learn karate skills like kicks, strikes, blocks, and punches. In a karate training session, your child will start with the basics of hand and feet movements. Gradually he will proceed to intense karate moves and learn tactics for self-defense. Your child will develop mental strength and physical endurance as the session proceeds. The sessions also teach children how to be self-dependent and look out for her or himself during emergencies or contingency situations.

View the full article next week!