Blog Martial Arts news-and-events

Fall Picnic and Intra-School Tournament

I am excited to fill you in on our upcoming events our intraschool tournament and our Fall Picnic. We will be having our annual Fall Picnic on Saturday November the 1st at 9:30. There will be fun to be had by all! In addtion to all the home cooked food we will be sharing (It is pot luck) there will be competitions and games for everybody. We may even get some bench sitters motivated enough to come out to compete! It is worth noting that last year the younger men were beaten down by all of the older men (Can you guess which team I was on?) in the tug of war competition. You might want to get a close seat for the grudge match this year. Pleas see your Chief Instructor and get all the details. Also please take the time to sign up for what kind of food you will be bringing. It would be disappointing for 45 tubs of potato salad to be what we have to pick from!

Also coming up is our upcoming Intra school tournament on November 7th and 8th. Black belts and all extreme and creative events will be on Friday the 7th. The rest of the competitions will continue on Saturday the 8th. We have some special awards you will not want to miss out on! Come on out and get your competition on! This will also be a perfect dry run for my good friend Master Rodriguez’s regional tournament on November the 22nd. Getting all of the bugs worked out of your form and sparring by competing in a local is always a good idea. There is a special price for the intrashool tournament, make sure you get registered soon so we can plan on the awards.

Master Michael Brown is a seventh degree black belt in Taekwondo and a certified instructor in Krav Maga. He is a two time world champion in Taekwondo sparring and a former Captain in the United States Marine Corps. Master Brown has been working with families and training people in personal defense in North Carolina for 24 years. He and his wife, Master Kimberly Brown love working with students and helping them develop the skills that will enable them to be the ‘first responders’ for their families.

ATA Leadership Martial Arts serves the communities of: Fayetteville NC, Hope Mills NC, Spring Lake NC, Linden NC

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