Leadership Workshop Friday, May 2nd
We will be having a Leadership workshop this Friday, the 2nd of May. All Leadership students are encouraged to attend. Leadership candidates…
Nerf Gun Night
Back again! Nerf Gun Night! We are having our Parent’s Night Out on Saturday the 14th of February, just in time for…
Schedule Change and Upcoming Events
This week we will be operating on a different schedule due to our Masters and Chief Instructors going for advanced training and…
Spar with the Staff!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday the 14th! You will get to spar with your favorite instructor to celebrate…
Student of the Month August
Perseverance is a trait that all martial artist must develop to be successful. This month, our featured student of the month displays…
Student of the Month November
Self Control is our Life Skill of the month. The meaning of self contol is literally to control yourself. Brandon Gates is…
Kick the New Year in Right!
Happy New Year everyone! As you probably have heard, we will not be having class on December 31, New Year’s Eve. However,…
Featured Student of the Month October
This month our Life Skill is Goals- Our featured student of the Month is 1st Degree Black belt Mr. Logan Jensen. He…