Martial Arts
Benefits of Martial Arts for Women
Benefits of Martial Arts for Women There is a tremendous number of benefits for women who get involved with Martial Arts. Women can enjoy a number of physical rewards with karate classes including strengthening and toning core muscles. It’s the ultimate physical workout that can get a woman into shape or to help her maintain……
Featured Student of the Month October
This month our Life Skill is Goals- Our featured student of the Month is 1st Degree Black belt Mr. Logan Jensen. He…
ATA Tiger Rollout!
Friday, August the 29th from 5pm to 6pm we will be rolling out the new ATA Tiger program! All 3-6 year old…
Benefits of Martial Arts for Women Pt.1
Benefits of Martial Arts for Women There is a tremendous number of benefits for women who get involved with Martial Arts. Women can enjoy a number of physical rewards with karate classes including strengthening and toning core muscles. It’s the ultimate physical workout that can get a woman into shape or to help her maintain……
Black Belt Bootcamp / Advanced Belt Testing
Our Black Belt Bootcamp / Advanced Belt Testing (Red Belt through Black Belt) will be on this Saturday the 2nd of August….
Buddy Days!
We will be having Buddy Days scheduled for the Sycamore Dairy studio Tuesday the 3rd, Wednesday the 4th and the Saturday the…
Campus Safety Tips
Campus Safety- Is a real concern. Many predators target a school campus because they know that many students are unprepared to avoid…
Christmas Layaway
The Christmas Layaway begins this Friday, October the 4th at the Ramsey Streeet location. The event will start at 6:00. Come…
Commit to a Regular Workout Part 1
See why so many people are becoming ATA members. Training at Martial Arts schools is about reaching your personal goals in a safe and fun environment. It’s about learning Martial Arts for increased physical ability and mental awareness. It is truly more than just kicking or punching. Its’ about changing a life in a positive……
Engaging In Martial Arts To Combat Childhood Obesity
This article details the problems of childhood obesity and presents martial arts as a good possible solution. It also presents BALMA as…