martial arts

April 6, 2015

Women Self Defense Tips

ATA Leadership Martial Arts It is my hope that the information shared here will help you as you develop your own skills…

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Kick the New Year in Right!

Happy New Year everyone! As you probably have heard, we will not be having class on December 31, New Year’s Eve. However,…

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Krav Maga and Your Combat Readiness

Imagine yourself enjoying a night out.  A well earned break from the work schedule of the week.  When out of no where…

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Leadership Workshop Friday!

We will be having our Leadership Workshop this Friday at our Sycamore Dairy location.  The event will go from 6:00pm to 7:30….

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Commit to a Regular Workout Part 1

See why so many people are becoming ATA members. Training at Martial Arts schools is about reaching your personal goals in a safe and fun environment. It’s about learning Martial Arts for increased physical ability and mental awareness. It is truly more than just kicking or punching. Its’ about changing a life in a positive……

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Father’s Day Challenge and Potluck Picnic

In honor of our dad’s and upcoming Father’s Day, our Father’s Day Picnic Challenge is Saturday the 14th of June!  There will…

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Gun Defense / Concealed & Carry Course

Master Brown believes that a person ought to have every option available to them to defend their families.  So on July 25th…

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February 2, 2015

The Importance of Developing a Child’s Focus

One of the most common problems that many children have is in focusing on particular tasks for long periods of time. Developing…

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How to Develop Independence in Your Child

Among the challenges and joys of parenthood are raising, providing for, and taking care of a young child. Parents develop intensely strong…

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Developing an Attitude of Positivity in Your Child

In life, everyone faces ups and downs all the time. Very rarely do things go exactly according to the plans that we…

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