
August 6, 2015

Martial Arts Training for Real Life Situations

Picture this. It is late in the night and you are walking back home by yourself. Suddenly, you see someone jumping onto your path from one of the alleys and trying to mug you. Would you feel more prepared to fight off the mugger and save yourself if you were trained in martial arts? Martial […]

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April 6, 2015

No Krav Maga Classes July 7th & 10th

There will be no Krav Maga classes on the 7th and the 10th of July.  Master Michael Brown will be testing for…

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VCA Taekwondo Program

Hello Everyone! We will be starting our Taekwondo program off this year with a Free introductory lesson and question and answer session….

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Leadership Workshop Friday, May 2nd

We will be having a Leadership workshop this Friday, the 2nd of May.  All Leadership students are encouraged to attend.  Leadership candidates…

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Nerf Gun Night

Back again! Nerf Gun Night! We are having our Parent’s Night Out on Saturday the 14th of February, just in time for…

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Karate Teaches a Winning Attitude

Karate is a form of martial arts, and it is taught at ATA martial arts. It involves maneuvers like kicking, jumping, punching, strikes, and other such movements. It is taught as a self-defense technique to kids, youngsters, and adults. The psychological dimensions of karate Most people rightfully picture karate as being a violent, aggressive, and……

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Kick the New Year in Right!

Happy New Year everyone! As you probably have heard, we will not be having class on December 31, New Year’s Eve. However,…

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Leadership Workshop Friday!

We will be having our Leadership Workshop this Friday at our Sycamore Dairy location.  The event will go from 6:00pm to 7:30….

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10 Fitness Tips For The Year

Time to take charge of your fitness! You only have so much willpower and if you try to use too much of…

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